ETAC Patient turner with standing support Product Code 16090106

SKU 16090106
Quantity in stock 1 item(s) available
Weight 10.50 kg
Our price: $ AUD 1250.00
Quantity (1 available)

ETAC Patient turner with standing support Product Code 16090104

Tool for transfers between bed, wheelchair, toilet, etc.

Turner is compact and easy to position when required. The low footplate, only 13 mm high, makes it easy for the user to place their feet on it.
The non-slip surface on the footplate offers additional security. The only adjustment necessary is the height of the leg support and the handle.
When ready, the transfer can be performed safely whilst the caregiver and user can maintain eye contact and communication.
Intended Use 

• Sit to stand transfer platform

• Transfer bed to wheelchair / shower chair

• Transfer wheelchair to toilet

• Moving back / forward in chair / wheelchair

• Transfer chair to wheelchair / shower chair

• Support mobilization, standing up / sitting down

Diameter  410 mm;

Weight  14.8 kg 

Max User weight: 150 kg



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